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Mini Courses

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ESPPs/Share Options and Revenue Compliance Intervention

 Have you recently received a Level 1 Compliance Intervention from Revenue? Or have tax obligations from Share Options or an Employee Share Purchase Program?


This online course will explain everything you need to know.


Learn from a qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser about :

  •  Relevant Tax on Share Options 

  •  How to calculate your gain 

  •  How to calculate your tax liability 

  •  Completing a Form RTSO1 

  •  Interest for late payments 

  •  Requirement to complete a Form11 income tax return Capital Gains Tax for sale of your shares 

  • Changes to tax reporting since 1 January 2024

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Complete Your Own PAYE Income Tax Return

Join Alan of CloudAccounts, in a series of short video tutorials dedicated as he guides you through how to complete your annual PAYE Tax Return. He will guide you step by step through the online process on the system.  


  • Understand your tax obligations and the tax reliefs and credits available to you!

  • Minimise your tax liability and increase your chances of getting a tax refund!

  • Any refund due is 100% kept by you - no more paying a commission to a tax rebate agency!

  • Repeat the process year after year, as you will have lifetime access to this course

On-Demand Webinars

CloudAccounts offers fully tailored presentations designed specifically for PAYE employees in Ireland. Delivered by Alan Purcell, a qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor, our webinars provide an in-depth explanation of the various tax credits and reliefs available to PAYE employees, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to file the Form 12 PAYE tax return.


Empower your team with the financial insight they deserve, contact us today to schedule your a webinar tailored to your employee's needs.


Useful Links


Use the interactive income tax calculator to estimate your tax position for the coming year in light of the measures announced in Budget 2024.


A Contribution Statement is a summary of your social insurance record in Ireland.


MyWelfare is the online home of welfare services. It allows you easy online access to a range of services.


The Revenue Commissioners, commonly called Revenue, is the Irish Government agency responsible for customs, excise, taxation and related matters.


A payment statement is a record of the amount paid to you by the Department of Social Protection for a period of time.

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Citizens Information Centres (CICs) provide free, impartial information, advice and advocacy from centres nationwide.

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